Friday, February 26, 2010

Jules the Caterpillar!

Julia is even faster now that it's been a few weeks. She is our little caterpillar and so much fun to have moving around the house. She is our latest crawler. When she was a baby she hated tummy time (all babies do at first but after they are several months old it usually changes). But she continued to hate it.  It wasn't until a friend talked to me that I realized that with her acid reflux it was probably cause her throat was burning. Poor baby. The other reason she wasn't on the floor much was because Jules spits up more than any baby I've seen. And when you combine constant fluid with sweet potatoes and prunes it makes for little time on the floor. The last few months we increased the dosage of her medicine so she has been on a the floor a lot more. 
Here is what the blanket looks like after a few minutes on the floor.

My little baby is going to be one next month! Seriously?


Angie said...

She is so stinkin darling. I loved the video clip... post more of them! She really does crawl like a caterpillar. Love you.

Lacey said...

Love her! And her sweet cheerleaders!

Janadt.Huggins said...

That was an adorable video. The girls are such a great support. It makes me miss my sisters. How fun.

Steph said...

Oh my gosh, your daughters voices are THE sweetest thing ever. How cute. Go Julia!

Ange said...

soo cute! I love it! I can't believe that she is almost 1. Where does the time go to???

Meredith and Abe Fish said...

That is just the cutest crawl ever. I love it! Your girls are just too cute. Only about 6 more months til we get to come out and visit. We can't wait! ~Meredith

wurtz said...

She is soooo CUTE! I loved hearing her little, giggling cheerleaders in the background.