Sunday, June 27, 2010


FIRST day of the summer the kids are fighting like cats and dogs. REALLY? I put the kibosh on that really quick.

Had my hard drive crash AND there was an error in the time machine so it didn't have my files backed up. Now we have to pay to get our files and pictures back. At least we CAN, right?

Realized I signed up the girls for swimming lessons the week I went to camp. Nice.

Spent a week at girls camp and found out my blood is too tempting for those bugs. Off and all they couldn't stay away. Buggers.

Went to a "FREE carnival" and wished I hadn't told my kids we were going. They served cold hot dogs. Enough said.

Decided that when you pay thousands of dollars in monthly premiums, then you finally go to the Dr. your health insurance still won't cover all of it. Oh don't get me started.

Realized that after 4 children my brain will never function as it once did. I organized a musical duet and was supposed to practice this morning before church. I set up the practice for crying out load. Well friends, I stood up the Alto and the pianist and although we were on the program...WE DIDN'T sing.

Now for some positive summer moments:
Realized that it doesn't matter how many kids I have, when I am away from them I miss them more than I thought possible. Coming home from girls camp was the best day ever.

The girls love going places and don't care if it's 120 degrees outside. They love to have fun.

I love having my sister in law live with us. Michelle is so fun and I love having her here!!!

I dreaded my 30th birthday but my family and friends made it the most special birthday I have had thus far. It was one awesome day!!!

Counting down the days I get to see my family in Utah. I haven't been there in a year. AND I get to see my brother that I haven't seen it 2 and a half years.

What are you up to this summer?


Michelle McKeehan said...

your life sounds exactly like mine!! right down to the whole "turning 30" thing. excited for u to go see your fam. miss ya!

Angie said...

Sounds like you have plenty keeping you busy! Your not the only one counting down until you come to Utah! Love you.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you sing? Are names were on the program to talk and we had to talk. Teach me how to get out of doing something when my name is on the prgram! When are you going to Utah? And how come I never see you guys?

Meredith and Abe Fish said...

Sounds like things are busy. I can't believe you managed to go to girls camp with 4 little ones at home. That takes a logistical miracle. How exciting that you get to go to Utah! We are getting very excited about our trip to Texas too. We can't wait to see everyone! ~Meredith

karin said...


Shay said...

30 was a hard one for me too. I'm glad that it was a good day for you! I have heard that if you eat bananas then you will not smell good to the bugs. I have tried it and I think it works.

Melanie said...

Oh Leah... your crazy, hectic, fun life! I love hearing about it! The positives are so cute and the negatives crack me up! :) I'm excited for you to get to go back to UT!