Friday, August 22, 2008

Sweet Audrey

I can't get over how much Audrey talks and how old she is getting. You'll have to bear with me for this post so I can tell about her and the fun things she is saying. I know my family will appreciate it!

Audrey's new things:
If I am busy she will come up to me and say my name a few times. If I don't answer quickly (and I mean QUICKLY) she will then shout, "Mom...ANSWER ME Mom!!" The first time she did it I was dying.

When something is exciting she yells, "Oh my GOSH!!!" That one gets me every time. She is WAY too young to be saying that.

She goes around the house saying who she misses. "I misses Cora." I misses Sienna." It's adorable.

If someone shuts the door and she is on the other side she will find me and cry, "Claire nock the door." What she is trying to say is, "Claire locked the door."

She loves to call from her room at bedtime to me, "Love you Mom." Night night Mom." I LOVE YOU...MOM!" One night it was so cute I answered her back from my room. Boy was that a mistake. She said it about 50 more times and would not stop!

Any insect, spider, or bug is an "itsy bitsy spider!"  She is constantly running around the house yelling, "itsy bitsy spider, Mom." itsy bitsy spider, Claire."

She has been in a hugging phase lately and will just randomly come up to me or Zeb and hug our legs. It is darling and we take as many hugs as we can get.

Her personality is so much fun. She is so intense and is starting to enter the tantrum phase. Yeah for me, right? I'm just glad she is so much fun to be around. I love you, Audrey!

I came into my room the other day with Audrey singing to the Island Princess Barbie. It was so cute I had to post it!


karin said...

She is adorable. Have you found that she does a lot things sooner than your older girls?

J and C Fish Family said...

She is on her way to broadway!! How cute she is. Although, I do have to say that the whole "miss" thing gets old, at least for me. Cora will "miss" something/someone she hasn't seen in years and cry for it. It gets old fast. But since Audrey wont being doing that for a while...
We're excited to see you next weekend!

Steph said...

This is SO cute-I cannot believe she is talkin so much more already! I need to move back, I'm missing to much!

Angie said...

So cute. Love the little Barbie singing. She has so much personality. I love that she says she misses Sienna. How cute is that. Tell her Sienna misses her too! Love you , Audrey.

Eric and Cindy Hansen said...

I love her! She really has gotten so big. It's crazy how much she talks. Full on sentences! The "I love you mommy" is a killer!!

Love her piggies!

mistyp said...

So cute! I was just thinking today that I need to do a similar post on Micah! They're growing too fast. Sounds like she loves to say things like her big sisters do! Cute little girl!!!!!

Shay said...

She is so cute. I love the video, she really is growing-up.

The O'Briens said...

Haha. She is so blasted cute. You have to tell me what the words to the song are though cause I can't tell and it is killing me.