Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Our Second Little Monkey

So Hallie was such a climber and we now have our second little monkey. Audrey finds anything to inch her way up on. Her favorite thing lately, besides the toilet and my computer desk, is the kitchen table. She loves to climb on the chair and then up onto the table. If there is actually something on the table she is in heaven. This morning she threw all of Claire's school papers off the table and thought it was the greatest thing ever. I get really upset with myself when I accidentally leave something on the table! Like a bowl of cereal or cup of milk! Hallie and Claire are really sweet about sharing when Audrey comes begging.
Over the weekend she really started walking. She wants to walk on her own now instead of being coaxed by mom and dad. She knows if she really wants to cruise she should resort to crawling, which is exactly what she did in this clip.
One of my favorite things she says is "Happy Birthday." She sings it out of the blue and I absolutely love it. For some reason when she turned 1 and we sang it to her she kept trying to say it. She got it down a few weeks later and says it all the time now. I tried getting her to sing it in this clip but it didn't work very well. I'll have to post her saying it later.
She is such a sweetheart.


Mitchell Family said...

That is so cute! I love the dragontales in the background! It sounds like our mornings. Cartoons and Trey stealing Malias breakfast! When do you come out here? I know it's soon!

Steph said...

That is SUCH a cute little video! She is just adorable, I love her eyes. I can't believe how fast she got up on the table. Ava just figured out how to do that and she is 22 months old. That is too funny! We miss you guys-maybe we can come over and say hi sometime this week? Let me know what you're up to. :)

Steph said...

PS. Thank you so much for that sweet letter that you wrote me for the relief society meeting thing. That was so nice, it made me cry.

The O'Briens said...

I love her! I love that Claire just kept the bites coming and that Audrey checked half way down the hall to make sure you were still there. I can't wait to see you!!!

Leah said...

Oh, that was Hallie feeding her bites. She did a pretty good job, huh? :)
See you soon! I can't wait!

Angie said...

Way cute. We're excited to have you come visit. Sienna is walking all the time now. She will have fun chasing Audrey.

tina said...

She is so cute! Brae is finally to the point if there is a chair by the table he'll push it away, he's seen us do it so many times. They LOVE to climb!

I can't believe how much Audrey looks like Hallie in the video. CUTE!

The O'Briens said...

I guess I should have watched it with sound before assuming it was Claire. :) Be SO SO SO safe on Friday!

Rachel Gillie said...

I love it! And I am so glad that Macady is not the only crazy daredevil out there. Her friends are so cautious!