Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Graduation Celebration!

We went to the jump up play place with the kids yesterday after Hallie's preschool graduation. It worked out great because Claire had the day off of school for a weather day they didn't use.  The girls LOVE that place and have such a good time. We found out thought that Audrey's phobia of moving things includes her moving on something that is stationary too. She cried down the slides even though we were holding her. 
She did find a friend though...meet Mr. Turtle.

She played with the turtle almost the entire time. We would try to get her to go on the blow up slides but she would always go back to pushing the turtle.

She would push this turtle all over, from one slide to the next. I found it rather funny.
Although I wasn't too happy about the six bucks we forked out to have her play there (last time they didn't charge us).

Hallie had her last day of preschool Monday. Emily made these darling graduation hats and I printed the certificates. Don't the kids look so cute?

Unfortunately we won't be doing the rotating preschool again in the fall. A few of the kids are doing Pre-K...Hallie missed the deadline by 8 days. I am so bummed out about that. And some of the other kids are doing other things. I did find a school in Robinson that someone has recommended. They meet twice a week. I know Hallie really wants to go to school and luckily this place's cost is very reasonable! A must for sure. Anyway, I am really hope it works out. 
FYI: When she found out her preschool this year was at people's houses she felt totally jipped. She wanted to go to a school like her big sister. But she warmed up to the idea after a bit. It was sad but funny. :)

Well Hallie, congrats on learning all your ABC's and graduating your first year of preschool!


J and C Fish Family said...

The girls are so cute. We are getting excited. Soon, so soon.

Eric and Cindy Hansen said...

Way to go Hallie! You are one smart little cookie!

Katie L. said...

How cute is she! Sam used to be SO scared of going down slides! He finally out grew it...I was happy because then I didn't have to keep climbing up everywhere we went and get him down. At least she had the turtle! :)

Angie said...

Yeah! We are proud of you. We love you tons and tons. You look so cute in your hat!
Love, Auntie Angie and family

Marissa Joy said...

I love your family! You guys are so cute. I really enjoy reading all the fun little stories about what the girls are up to and it makes me so excited for when Logan gets a little older.

Kimi said...

Congrats Hallie!!!