Friday, January 11, 2008

Surprise for Me!

Okay so yesterday I was getting some invitations ready for the Young Women and Claire came into my room and said, "don't come out, we are doing a surprise for you!" She totally had on her little apron so it was a dead give away. But I stayed in my room and got a lot done and then she would periodically come in and say, "Don't come out yet, it isn't ready."
So finally it was time for my surprise. She whispers to Hallie,"don't say it's time for dinner, just say, your surprise is ready." So Hallie waltzes in my room wearing her apron and says her line, "Your surprise is ready." Claire comes to hold my hand and make sure I close my eyes.
When she announces that I can open them I see the table totally set and all the food prepared. My sweet husband and little girls had made dinner. It was so sweet and I gasped and said, "It looks like you made dinner for me!" I loved it. It was so sweet of Zeb to make it all and the girls to be his little helpers.
Then Claire, knowing how happy I was asks, "Can we earn a privilege back?" How can I say no to that? So I told her they could and she screams, "Hallie we get the privilege of changing our clothes back!!" (They had lost it when they changed like 50 times the other day and didn't put any away.)
Anyway, I thought this was a sweet story and wanted to share. I LOVE my family.


The O'Briens said...

They are so adorable!! That was so nice of Zeb to cook dinner and adorable of the girls to keep updating you (aprons and all). I am so excited to see you guys again! You're spoiling me and I'm going to want to be able to see you every month!

karin said...

How cute and what a break! I LOVE that they were wearing their aprons.

Emily said...

I love that the privilege they won back was to change their clothes! So funny!

The Collingwood Family said...

that is so sweet!

mistyp said...

That's cute! I can just hear Claire saying that to you! I love the privilege thing, too! ;)

Steph said...

What a sweet little fam you have! I love this post, I could almost picture exactly how this all happened. Too cute! And major brownie points for Zeb, what a prince. :)

Mitchell Family said...

That is so dang cute! You have an awesome husband, and darling girls! Isn't it so nice to have surprises like that?!

Katie L. said...
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Rachel Gillie said...

I love your family Leah! What a loving home!