Monday, April 28, 2008

Fish Look-alike Meter

I didn't know this posted to my blog but oh well. I do think Claire looks more like me. When I did Hallie they actually said she looks like us equally. I think she is a duplicate of her Father (but more feminine of course!) So I didn't save the results. I think in these pictures Zeb and I look alike though. That may play into it.  Audrey looked a few percent more like me which I thought was interesting. It's fun to do though! 

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph


mistyp said...

Let me aren't doing pics of the other two girls because you already know they look more like Ceb! ;) Just kidding! I do agree with the outcome of Claire!

The O'Briens said...

I must say, I agree. Claire looks more like you. Hallie definitely looks more like Zeb, and Audrey is in the middle. Your kids are the cutest!!!