Monday, April 7, 2008

Meet the newest additions to our family!

Here are Mr. and Mrs. Green Jeans. The girls got these from story time at the Hewitt Library. Every spring the library makes the kids these little chia pets out of seed, dirt and a knee high. The girls love watering them and watching them grow. I have to admit, it was fun to do hair on something that held still the whole time and didn't complain! :)
Mr. Green Jeans is struggling a little with a bit of a hair problem. Do they sell Rogaine for chia pets?


Michelle said...

that is cute, and sort of funny, really! i can just imagine how excited the girls get over them. i miss you guys!

Angie said...

What a darling little couple! Love that you did her hair. Miss you. Kiss the girls for me.

Katie L. said...

How cute! Tell me how to make them because my boys would go nuts over them!

Katie L. said...
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Tansy said...

What an awesome library that you live by! You are such a good mom to take your girls to the library.

BTW my color is RED.

Kim said...

Nice to meet you Mr. & Mrs. Green Jean....that is too cute! How fun!

Kim said...

Nice to meet you Mr. & Mrs. Green Jean....that is too cute! How fun!

Eric and Cindy Hansen said...

Love the bows!!