Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Make-Up Artist?

Let me just say that Hallie uses my lip gloss more than me. She LOVES the stuff and applies and reapplies seconds later. She is so funny. She loves to out on my eye shadow and ends up looking like she has a black eye....the darker the better. I will say she has gotten a lot better at applying lip gloss though. Anyway, she knows that mascara is for grown ups and will ask every so often to see if that is still the case. The other day I was on the computer doing the budget or something and she was in my bathroom a few feet away. After a few minutes I looked over to see what she was up to. She had applied mascara to her eyes and didn't do a half bad job. However, when I informed her that she wasn't supposed to be using it she tried wiping it off.  We all know what that does, SMEAR!! I couldn't help but take the picture of her lovely "black eyes" and smile when she asked me if I wanted her to put mine on. Oh goodness!
She even said that she would be really careful! :) Oh Hallie, I love you!


Kim said...

That is so cute! She will definitely be a make-up girl! I just love it when Sofia comes out of her room with her & her bother all done up in make-up....it seems to me the play kiddie make-up is a lot harder to get off...and even harder to get off a boy!

Tansy said...

She is definitely your little girl. You had the best eyelashes in Highschool. BTW I still use Loreal Voluminous Mascara because you recommended it to me.

TonyaKuykendall said...

I caught Emma doing the same thing at Brandy's one day. I wonder where the picture that Brandy took went to????

karin said...

WOW- definitely a girl thing. I am glad you took a picture because that is the only thing I would think of to do.

Katie L. said...

Oh how cute! I would have no idea what to do with a girl if we ever have one!

Michelle said...

i love how girlie she is! it reminds me of meg when she was little...such a girlie girl...